Designer interview coming very soon!
But which designer is it going to be with?
I’ve been so busy recently, what with designing and preparing items to sell at our craft markets, coming up with new projects for my classes, teaching all over North London (and finishing a few WIPs of my own), that I’ve not had a moment to write my blog…
But, fear not. I’ll be back again early next week with a very special interview with one of the UK’s top knitwear designers, who I’ve known since my college days and who I interviewed a few months ago.
Here are a few visual clues to the identity of this person… Can you guess who it is?
First of all here are just some of the Sirdar and Patons knitting patterns that I had when I was a child.. I loved knitting for my Sindy doll. This person shares a love of Sindy dolls and has knitted Sindy and Paul clothes too in the past.
Now here’s a jumper that I made way back in the 70s. It’s called Hodge and is by Patricia Roberts. No, that’s not the designer, but she’ll feature in our conversations…
Rowan has long been one of my favourite companies to turn to for pattern inspiration. Here’s one of the early Rowan pattern books in my library – Rowan 4 from 1988. It featured this design that particularly caught my interviewee’s eye.
And if you check back through my blogs you may also get a few clues – this is one of my favourite designers and there have been lots of their designs on my needles over the years.
Any ideas? Why not leave a comment here with who you think it could be. Then don’t forget to check back next week to find the answer or to see if you’re right!